Sunday, December 12, 2010

Coach Schultz

Keri Schultz
Kean University
Health and Physical Education Department
1000 Morris Avenue
Union, NJ 07083

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Great Job!

Everyone did such  great job with The Mile Assessment! I am very proud of all of you, maximum participation and effort was reached. Everyone set a goal, practiced, and tried to achieve even more than what was expected. Now keep on running for bigger and better things.

Comparing The Results

Both the Females and Males tested very well, with the majority of everyone falling into the healthy or fit category. Just to create a comparison between males and females, here are the results.

Average Times:

Females Trial 1= 9.46 minutes
Females Trial 2= 9.51 minutes

Males Trial 1= 7.35 minutes
Males Trial 2= 7.43 minutes

Test Validity:
Average Fitness Zone Of Class-Healthy
Average Fitness Zone For Males- Healthy
Average Fitness Zone For Females- Healthy

2 Females Tested Fit in Trial 1
2 Males Tested Fit in Trial 1

1 Female Tested Fit in Trial 2
4 Males Tested Fit in Trial 2

1 Female tested in the Fit category consecutively.
2 Males tested in the Fit category consecutively.

Test Reliability:
Both testing assessments were performed at the same location, at the same distance, with the same directions and insructions.
The second trial was a bit cooler and slightly windy due to the outside weather.

Trial #2 Results

Congratulaions! Everyone did a great job on the second trial for The Mile Run Fitness Assessment!

There were 25 participatns in this assessment.

Fitness Zones in Trial 2:
5/25- Fit
12/25- Healthy
8/25- Needs Improvement

The Average time of this mile was 9:17
Overall as a class, the time went down for The Mile Run by 8 seconds!

The Average Fitness Zone for Males was Healthy
The Average Fitness Zone for Females was Healthy

Ranges in Trial 1:
Male Ranges- 6:07-11:20
Female Ranges- 7:14-12:40

Trial # 2 Is Right Around The Curve!

Keep on running!!

Be ready to go on Monday, November 8, 2010

                                           Set your goal and run to get it!

Trial # 1 Results

Congratulaions! Everyone did very well at the first attempt for The Mile Run Fitness Assessment!

There were 25 participatns in this assessment.

Fitness Zones in Trial 1:
4/25- Fit
15/25- Healthy
6/25- Needs Improvement

The Average time of this mile was 9:25
The Average Fitness Zone for Males was Healthy
The Average Fitness Zone for Females was Healthy

Ranges in Trial 1:
Male Ranges- 6:01-10:45
Female Ranges- 7:02-12:50

Working In and Out of Class!

Improve and Maintain In Class
In class, gradual increases in distance will be provided in order to build up our student's capacity to lengthen their cardiovascular abilities.
-Incorporate activities which use the aerobic system
-Utilize Fitnessgram testing periodically and make changes to keep the students intrigued
-Keep the students informed. Provide them with their results so they can track their progress, seeing their improvement over the year can be very important to the students.
-Constantly raise the bar, it is important to provide the students with a challenge they can overcome. This gives them something to strive for.
-Healthy Choice of the Day- Review the lunches in the school and explain to the class what is the best choice and why.

Improve/Maintain Out of Class

Out of class, daily workouts should also take place to help increase cardiovascular endurance and abilities. Simple jogs, core workouts, plyometrics, and cardiovascular workouts all contribute to ones success in becoming more "heart healthy."
-Provide the class with some activities they can do outside of school.
-Take a jog or a walk with a relative or friend. Explain to them that jogging around the block or around town is a great way to workout and will positively affect their mile.
-Nutrition and Rest. Cover the importance of nutrition and rest whenever possible. Nutrition is very important to achieve maximal results. Also, sleeping is very important. When you sleep your body recharges and takes all the necessary measures it needs so it can properly function the next day. If you deprive your body of sleep, many problems can occur.
-Stay hydrated. It is very important to make sure you drink enough water so your body can run functionally.

We Are Running Tomorrow!

We will be running the mile tomorrow, October 4, 2010.

Please prepare yourself for it may be cold. If you would like to run with an Ipod, you are able to use one. Please bring a stopwatch or a watch with one so you and your partner can accuratley keep time.
Quick Tips To Prepare!

-Wear Comfortable Running Shoes
-Wear light running apparel (shirt/shorts)
-Bring an Ipod
-Make the most out of your strides! Open up your strides, glide and run smooth. Controlled and constant will help you obtain your best score possible.
-Get 8+ hours of sleep and eat a light well balanced breakfast.

We will be utilizing the track, in which it will be 4 laps around to complete the mile.

Grading Policy For the Mile Run Assessment

Grading Scale:
  • 50% Participation
  • 25% Written Assignment/Completion of Handout
  • 15% Proper Attire/Ready for class 
  • 10% Assessment effort and performance

Prep For Your Steps

In the beginning of the year, we started off every class with a slight jog around the track introducing a lite cardiovascular warm up. The second week of classes, we increased the warm up to two laps, thrid week three laps and now it is time for the Mile. Introducing the students to a jog and running slowly is less stress and pressure on them. Not a lot of students enjoy running the mile, so by slowly creeping up and preparing with different exercises, they will be ready for it without even knowing it. Throughout class, the students have been engaged in exercises, games, and activities that requires their heart rate to reach 50-90% of their max heart rate. By getting their heart rates up during class they are icreasing their cardiovascular system as well as aerobic capacity which is getting them ready to run.

Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise and The Mile Run

  • Running can have many psychological benefits. Most significantly runners typically report being happier and feeling less stressed than their counterparts who do not run or exercise regularly.
  • Running actually has the ability to alter an individuals moods because hormones called endorphins are released while running.
  • Running has also been reported to alleviate stress in most runners. There are a number of factors which may contribute to running lowering stress levels.
  • One of the most obvious reasons is the act of running allows the individual to focus on the task at hand instead of being worried or stressed about work, family or other stressors in his daily life.
  • Additionally, running can be very challenging on the body which can result in the individual feeling a sense of accomplishment by completing the run which shifts the focus of his attention from negative stressors to a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  • Other improvements for students are higher test scores, better attendance rates, less discipline necessary, self-efficacy, and accomplishment. 

The Mile Run Class Overview

The One-Mile Run is a great alternate task to determine an estimate of one's VO2max while improving aerobic capacity. The main objective is to run as fast as one can. If a student can not complete the distance running, then walking will be permitted. The only way to get a true reading for aerobic capacity, maximal effort and participation is required for proper times and scores to be assessed. Effort for each student will be measured on The Borg RPE Scale 6-20, which all students are familiar with from previous classes. The students will be split up into partners which whom they chose, and the scores and times will be held confidentially with the individual students and myself.

RPE Scale

6 No Exertion

7 Minimal Exertion

8 Extremely Light

9 Very Very Light

10 Very Light

11 Light

12 Moderate Exertion

13 Difficult

14 Somewhat Hard

15 Increasingly Hard

16 Hard

17 Very Hard

18 Very Very Hard

19 Extremely Hard

20 Maximal Exertion

Fitnessgram For Our Youth!

The Fitnessgram is a fitness assessment program for our youth, first developed in 1982 by the Cooper Institution in response to the need for a comprehensive set of assessment procedures in physical education programs. The assessment includes a variety of health-related physical fitness tests, assessing aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular endurnace, flexability, and body composition.

Examples: The Mile Run, The Mile Walk, Shoulder Stretch, Push Ups, Pull Ups, Modified Pull Ups, Pacer, Sit and Reach, Trunk Lift, Curl Up, BIA, BMI, and Skinfolds.

The Fitnessgram assessments are in full support with the NASPEs and one of the best ways to measure health-related physical activities in our children today.

The validity of all testing assessments are very specific, directly measuring the abilites and properly catagorizing the results.

Please feel free to check it out, and join the the program!

Fitness Zones


Girl's One Mile Standards:

17+ 8 minutes or less= Fit
17+ 8-10 minutes= Healthy
17+ 10 minutes or higher= Needs Improvement

Boy's One Mile Run Standards:

17+ 7 minutes or less= Fit
17+ 7-8 minutes and 30 seconds= Healthy
17+ 8 minutes and 30 seconds or higher= Needs Improvement